The rules are farily simple, and are as follows.

Rules 1)Follow all rules

2)You can only battle someone that is not in your charactar class.
you can battle hybrids as long as they are mostly the opposite class.
3) If you want to gain status from your battle, please make sure that there is an official there, otherwise you will not be judged and not goin any exp. Also if there are no judges, you cannot plunder weapons.

4) If you die permanently (meaning you reach the death limit for your level, and your opponent plunders your weapon, you must either have a backup in your inventory, or YOU MUST BUY A NEW ONE oterwise you will not have a weapon.

5) Do not argure with officials, and do not pretend to be an official in the messageboard/chatroom, otherwise you will be banned


The Races
Hunters Hunters are basically the good guys, and are about exactly the opposite of the Mavericks.

What is a reploid? All the robots are reploids, most reploids are either hybrids or neutral.

What is a Maverick? Mavericks, are the bad guys, they can become hybrids, by following the rules below. Most Mavericks hate the Hunters, and some Reploid Hybrids.

Humans, are usuall are stronger fighters, and can handle most of the weakneses (like water) that cirtin reploids and mavricks cannot handle. Humans, can become Mavericks or Reploids by becoming Hybrids, humans can also be doctors, and can speed up the process of becoming a Hybrid.

What is a Hyrbid? You cannot start out as a hybrid, altough, if you kill someone (meaning they die permanantly not KO) you can take parts from there body, which would turn you into a hybrid, if you are a reploid or mavrik it only takes one episode to switch the part, for a human to take on you have to go to the Reploid, Maverick, or Hunter base, and have it added on, which takes two episodes. When you become a hybrid, your original status carries over, and the effects of the add on parts are added to your status.

What is a N.E.O.? N.E.O. Reploids are robotic, but they feel grow and learn much like a human, but have no organic parts in them. When in there human form they tire like humans, when in there robtic form the tire as a reploid. N.E.O. Characters were created by N.E.O. Labs (Neo Engineered Organics) and were only created as a last resort after the shut down of MegaMan-X and Zero. The NEO reploids were thought to not have been finished, bcecause it was destoryed by Mavericks. N.E.O. Labratories was nevr re-opened ad only created two Reploids, the the production of the Neo Organic technology has been lost and outlawed, and cannot be created anymore.